Long after the Egyptians were gone, pregnant Claudia washes up on shore and “Mother” is there to help her deliver her baby and we later learn that the “baby” turns into “babies” as twin boys are born. At that point, Mother is in the role of Father Time i.e., she is the protector of the island and time but she is tired and she wants out, so she murders Claudia and manipulates the two boys into taking over her role. The two boys make a perfect duo; one boy is innocent and faithful enough to do what is right for the island, and the other is willing to lie and kill to get things done (a perfect balance). But something bad happens here that I don’t think even Mother could foresee. Jacob throws his brother into the light/time cave and at that point the smoke monster (the past as an entity) becomes a person via the merging of it with the MIB. The smoke monster had existed prior to this incident (as we see in the Egyptian art), however I don’t think it had ever been merged with a human soul before, this gave the smoke monster purpose. The smoke monster was no longer a mindless cloud of past memories, it was now a very mad person whose body was removed and whose soul was merged with a pillar of smoke and hurtful memories.

When the MIB is in the primitive well speaking with his mother, he tells her that they are going to attach the wheel to a hole which will make a system that channels the water and the light and when he turns the wheel he will finally be able to leave the island. Mother knows that the MIB is correct and she responds rhetorically “how do you know all this”? It isn’t long after that when Mother slams the MIB’s head into the rocks knocking him out. She proceeds to kill all “his” people and fills in the well which makes the MIB extremely perturbed and in turn he kills Mother. Mother then thanks him and dies. The important part of that story is that Mother knows the MIB is right. She knows that by manipulating time, the MIB will be transported off the island and likely will never return. Mother doesn’t want to lose her replacement protector because she wants a permanent vacation. So she takes it upon herself to destroy the early version of the time traveling machine. Therefore, even though Mother got her replacement, I don’t think she envisioned Jacob throwing his brother down the cave and creating a monster even bigger than before. The sin, pain, and hurt of the past was growing, but now it had purpose.
At some point somebody eventually uncovers the well and installs the wheel correctly, but their identification is not known and frankly somewhat irrelevant, all we know is that happens between the time of the MIB’s death and the Dharma Initiative.
Vincent you ask? I’m sure he maybe with Walt on the island with Walt helping his dad still trying to pass on.
(NOTE: no sign of original attempt at posting)
…..having evolved into an independent physical theorist since ‘LOST’ with a scale-unifying, comparatively-simplified physics model that contextualizes almost all of this thing called’ existence’ – ‘time’, ‘gravity’, sound’, ‘electricity’ (an axial expression concentrated through magnetism’s passage through denser ‘effective’ media) ALL, resonant secondary magnetic informational effects to it (‘heat’, a tertiary one, JUST as subjective) seeing it as a STRONG warning, cautionary tale IN / about 2019-2021+, the ‘pandemic’ more than EVER (where an agency called ‘DHARMA’ – a Hindu religious reference yet, nearly SYNONYMOUS with REAL-world ‘DARPA’ and Australian Alan Dale’s Charles Widmore, a Robert Maxwell / Rupert Murdoch / George Soros type of tycoon, megalomaniac) – its ‘golden light’ (LONG an occult object, instinctively valued by, affecting our species) is perceived suprahuman: power, knowledge, understanding, insight (as opposed to, or not necessarily with, wisdom) coherence, ‘constructive entanglement’, awareness, ‘love’, appreciation – and yes ‘go(o)d’, if NOT universally so…..
…..Jacob & ‘The Man In Black’ are, as is SO commonly found, two symbolic sides of the SAME extremist conceit, one which goes to transhumanistically disintegral lengths to maintain MATERIAL life including worship and FORCING of science upon it, largely represented through attempts at reversal of a CATASTROPHIC infertility problem and what’s ULTIMATELY revealed as a collective ethereal construct produced under PROFOUND traumatic stress before CERTAIN characters’ physical expiration (OTHERS, story-serving ARTIFICIAL – or SYNTHETIC – creations); another seeking to DISSOLVE it as part of faith in a ‘NATURAL order’ (of COURSE Locke was going to be an associated dualistic avatar, represented by the DEATHLY ‘Smoke Monster’) this groundbreaking show’s CORE theme, if less than apparent to MANY viewers a decade ago…..
…..having evolved into an independent physical theorist since ‘LOST’ with a scale-unifying, comparatively-simplified physics model that contextualizes almost all of this thing called’ existence’ – ‘time’, ‘gravity’, sound’, ‘electricity’ (an axial expression concentrated through magnetism’s passage through denser ‘effective’ media) ALL, resonant secondary magnetic informational effects to it (‘heat’, a tertiary one, JUST as subjective) seeing it as a STRONG warning, cautionary tale IN / about 2019-2021+, the ‘pandemic’ more than EVER (where an agency called ‘DHARMA’ – a Hindu religious reference yet, nearly SYNONYMOUS with REAL-world ‘DARPA’ and Australian Alan Dale’s Charles Widmore, a Robert Maxwell / Rupert Murdoch / George Soros type of tycoon, megalomaniac) – its ‘golden light’ (LONG an occult object, instinctively valued by, affecting our species) is perceived suprahuman: power, knowledge, understanding, insight (as opposed to, or not necessarily with, wisdom) coherence, ‘constructive entanglement’, awareness, ‘love’, appreciation – and yes ‘go(o)d’, if NOT universally so…..
…..Jacob & ‘The Man In Black’ are, as is SO commonly found, two symbolic sides of the SAME extremist conceit, one which goes to transhumanistically disintegral lengths to maintain MATERIAL life including worship and FORCING of science upon it, largely represented through attempts at reversal of a CATASTROPHIC infertility problem and what’s ULTIMATELY revealed as a collective ethereal construct produced under PROFOUND traumatic stress before CERTAIN characters’ physical expiration (OTHERS, story-serving ARTIFICIAL – or SYNTHETIC – creations); another seeking to DISSOLVE it as part of faith in a ‘NATURAL order’ (of COURSE Locke was going to be an associated dualistic avatar, represented by the DEATHLY ‘Smoke Monster’) this groundbreaking show’s CORE theme, if less than apparent to MANY viewers a decade ago…..
The plane discovered in the ocean was planted by whitmore
So at the end and in the church, everyone’s pass was resolved and they were able to move on which was what? Why didn’t Ben join the group? So what happened to Vincent? Also what you are saying is that, there was a time difference for each one as to when they were actually dead and would go to the church and when they all had died, then they would go to the church. Was Boune’s sister in the church?
There were a few eps in the second and third seasons where a plane crash underwater was mentioned (by people outside of our original group of passengers only), and it was flight 815. All the bodies were there. How is this explained within your theory?
Wow!! This made so much sense.
I’m halfway into watching season 2. I watched Lost when it came out. Totally didnt have a clue then. Now, with 15 years of living, learning, making mistakes behind me, I see! I see! At least the twist & turns don’t trip me up any more. I can see my life that I’m living now, my past, in Jin & Sun’s battles with their past
Just finished watching it. And yes, I had heard the spoiler that “they were dead the whole time” which kinda ruined it for me because I kept waiting for that shoe to drop and it didnt. They were NOT dead the whole time. It was also difficult to wrap my mind around the alternate universe/purgatory while the same characters were still living on the island. When Christian said at the end that there “is no now”, then that made sense everyone had died at different times and ended up at the church with Jack to help him move on much like Rose in Titanic. I think because Jack was clearly a non-believer up to a certain point, it was harder for him to accept the afterlife. The DVD contains a short feature on what happened AFTER the end where Walt becomes the protector. I liked that and I’m glad they added it in.
Wow!! Great read!
This may have already been addressed, but why is Penny in the church at the end? She was not dead. Ben threatened to kill Penny as he believed Charles Whitmore was responsible for Alex’s death, but he never went through with it. Instead, he accepted the fact that he was the cause of Alex’s death, not Whitmore. Therefore, Penny should still be alive. Am I missing something?
You are a wizard. Thank you.
great insights!!
Regardless of the vehicle used in the series, to me it was all about the title.
All these people were truly lost in their lives, suffering tremendously due to their own doing or circumstances. They were pathless and leading to self destruction. To find their way back to balance and happiness they had to confront their greatest fears and let go of the things they should stop to try to control, that are actually controlling them. The island is an evolving mechanism with a variety of pitfall for them that they must endure and overcome. Once they let go they find inner peace, and meaning to their lives and experiences, and a shared love of life and people they have known.
Just my take:)
One of the most unwatchable shows ever!